Various interpretations in One
Night @ the Call Center
Nikunj Bhatti
Sem: 4
Department of English
Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University
v Introduction
Chetan Bhagat is one of the most popular authors in
the fiction category in recent times in India. He is very well known author and
he is the author of bestselling novels. He writes columns for popular English
and Hindi newspapers including The Times of India and Dainik Bhaskar focusing
on youth, career and issues based on national development. The Novel One night @ the call center (ON@TCC)
is included in the 'New Literature'. New literature means something which is
published in 21st century with contemporary issues.
collections of his works are.
Five Point Someone (2004)
One Night @
the Call Center (2005)
The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008),
2 States (2009),
Revolution 2020 (2011),
What Young India Wants (2012)
Half Girlfriend (2014)
Now let’s discuss his famous novel One Night @ the
Call Center.

Ø Mannepean satire:
Ø The effect of Globalization
Ø Popular Literature
Ø Self help book
Ø Nationalism
Ø Cyber Punk
v The
effect of Globalization
§ What is Globalization?
“Globalization is a
process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and
governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment
and aided by information technology” (Globalization)
The effect of Globalization In this novel also
describe the struggle of each of the character‘s life. As globalization was
economic movement. In it we find man corporate. Friedam’s the world is Flat’ is
non fictional book. The title of the novel itself tells about the effect of globalization
in call center. Novel is based on the working people in Call Centre. Bhagat wants to give message to the Indians
that who working in call center they just get good salary but it not give it a
opportunity to do something else or for their skills and creativity
Chetan Bhagat
is such a budding novelist who considers it his responsibility to appeal the
young generation in India by writing a novel based on the call center, which is
a gift of globalization. Although call center is considered as a boon for India
which is facing the problem of unemployment, Chetan Bhagat through this novel
is trying to give a message that the Indians, instead of relying on the western
countries, should explore own creativity and potentialities. The present
paper highlights the influence of call center, which is a child of
globalization, on the personal, social, moral, intellectual and cultural
relations of the call center employees.
is that Indian youth are getting good job opportunities in western countries.
It is a thing of pride that the companies like Microsoft cannot think about
their business without taking into consideration the Indian software engineers.
form of English in Call Centers, Workers forced to change their names to
Western one
e.g. like,
Shyam Mehra – Sam Mercy
Varun Malhotra - Victor
Radhika Jha – Regima Jones
Esha singh – Elina
of the bright sides of globalization is that Indian youth are getting good job
opportunities in western countries.
v Mannepean
The genre of Menippean satire is a form
of satire, usually in prose, which has a length and structure similar to a
novel and is characterized by attacking mental attitudes rather than specific
individuals or entities. Menippean satire derives from the philosopher Menippus
(3rd century B.C.), but it was identified as a specific genre by the Roman
satirist Varro, an older contemporary of Horace whose works exist only in
fragmentary form.
§ Characteristics
of the Menippean Satire.
It is usually
more comic than Socratic dialogue.
It is unusually
free (from history, realism, and legend) and hence fantastic.
Its fantasies
create extraordinary situations for the purpose of testing philosophical truth,
especially through the manipulation of perspective…
It mixes the
fantastic, symbolic, and even quasi-religious with”crude slum naturalism."
It is full of
contradictory behavior and characters. (Bakhtin)
ü In One Night @ the call Center find characteristic of Menippean Satire.
ü In the novel present the current situation of the
ü Chetan Bhagat shows the real situation of the people.
ü Chetan Bhagat also critics the society.
Menippean satire is a form of satire, usually in
prose, which has a length and structure similar to a novel. Mannepean Satire is
a seriocomic genre. In the novel we find that these characters suffer from the
problems in their life. In this novel Bhagat represent the idea of bossism that
the boss of call centre who has a power over these six characters. And God
making a call, Marriage of two different characters Radhika and Priyanka.
Priyanka has problem with her mother that she tries
to be free from the restrictions that was leads towards The Menippean satire
where profession is important than the family so we can say that , time of
modernization and globalization, because of that, some traditional ideas are
v Self help
Self help book is about moral lesson, solution of
problems and also helpful for build personal philosophy. The meaning of
Self-Help Book is to self improvement, Genre – non fictional book. Self –help
books often focus on popular psychology such as romantic relationship, or
aspects of the mind and human behavior. In On@tcc God’s call it shows the moral
massage and it developed self confidence of characters.
Here we see that all character present the real life
situation, of the people. In the story we see that character of Shyam, who
almost lost his love. Character of Radhika is in an unhappy marriage with
demanding mother-in-law. Character of Military Uncle, who wants to talk to his
grandson. Character of Mr.Bakshi, who boss of the call center, all hate them
because of their cruel and somehow sadist behavior.
We see that all character suffer in their life. Also
these all problems we find in our real life and also in the society. With help
of the type of book we find solution of the problem. Chetan Bhagat’s present
the real life situation of the people and how they all manage the life.
We can say that Chetan's God becomes a mouthpiece
for his self help - 'listen to the inner call'. It is about inner call or inner
voice. A self-help book is one that is written with the intention to instruct
its readers on solving personal problems. God’s call it is a kind of a help, or
it can be interpreted in many ways. God’s call pays the path, he shows just the
path, but then all characters help themselves. In this way we can take this
book as a self help book also.
ü God's message to the group
ü Four things needed for success:
ü ‐ a medium amount of
ü ‐ a bit of imagination
ü ‐ self‐confidence
ü ‐ Facing, suffering
Chetan Bhagat book One Night @ the Call Center. We
see that how Chetan Bhagat present the people life situation. In the story we
see that all character suffer in their life. Many problems in their life. But
then they all live in the life.
v Cyberpunk
Cyberpunk is a postmodern science fiction genre.
Cyber Punk connected with science and technology. It features higher science,
such as information technology and cybernetics, coupled with a degree of
breakdown or radical change in the social order. Cyberpunk plots often center
on a conflict among hackers, artificial intelligences, and Mega Corporation, The
characters deals with cyber technology. Vroom hacks Bakshi's email and writes
email to Esah on his behalf. The American's are terrorized with the help of bug
in MS Office as virus attack on
Internet . In the world of technology heroes are hiker like Shyam. Machine is
controlling human beings. Bakshi controlling heroes and other high teach and
law life. Character dealing with Bug, FM
radio, Email, Internet (computer). So we can say it classify as Cyber punk
v Nationalism
One Night @ the Call Center writer introduces a
young India and their problems. This novel is show the Nationalism.
“Nationalism involves
national identity, by contrast with the related construct of patriotism, which
involves the social conditioning and personal behaviours that support a state’s
decisions and actions”(Nationalism)
In the novel characters working in the call center
and their bay’s name is “Western Appliances Strategic Group” or WASG. They deal
with the customers of home appliances such as refrigerator, so deals with
American customers. Vroom’s ideas are very anti American so he says that,
suck the life blood out of our country’s most productive generation”
Call to alarm to India
“I should not have
taken up a job just for money” – Vroom
Priyanka reject Mr.
Dead weight of
corporate life
Radhika divorce
cheating husband
Shyam Mehre needs to
stop being ‘Sam Marcy’
v Popular Literature
Chetan Bhagat is popular write of the age in his
work he use simple language that is very easy to understand for the reader. His
books appeal to the reader widely accepted by the youngsters. This novel there
is some of situation and like supernatural things that not happened in reality
or real life. In One Night @ Call center in,
GOD’s Call
More familiar or
accepted moral teaching.
Highly reflective
of philosophy of life.
Mystic element
and supernatural elements, like the end of the novel.
Ø Conclusion
short, this novel deals with the theme of
Deus ex Machina, Human Relations, Strategic, Love, Sex and Marriage. The
aim of Bhagat’s is to convey a message
to the people of India from the situation of the characters like the harshness
of the situation of women in India.
Ø Works Cited
Bakhtin, M.M. "MENIPPEAN SATIRE." (1984):
Globalization: -is-globalization/
It is very well arranged and really useful information are given here. It is helpful to me.Thank you for sharing it.